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  • [Registrant] : 船橋市
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2024/10/15
  • Published : 2024/10/15
  • Changed :2024/10/15
  • Total View : 68 persons

Public Relations Funabashi October 15 issue published × City public relations program October 15 broadcast distributed

Public Relations Funabashi October 15 issue is now available
The front page reports on the October 27 ( General Election for the House of Representatives ・ National Review of the Supreme Court of Japan ), while page 12 features the "International Festival in Funaterasu" commemorating the 35th anniversary of our sister city relationship with Odense, Denmark ・ and the 30th anniversary of our friendship city relationship with Xian, China ・. International Festival in Huna Terrace" is featured to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the friendship city affiliation with Xi'an, China.
In addition, please take a look at the various other information in this issue, including the Green Slow Mobility demonstration operation to be held in the Tsuboi area from October 28 ( Monday ) and the "Funabashi Citizens' Festival" recounted in photos.
*Because October 15 is a newspaper holiday, this issue ( October 15 issue ) was published one day earlier on October 14

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○ [More Connected Everyday ♪ ] Funabashi CITY NEWS October 15
This time, we will broadcast "Funabashi Citizens' Festival". The anchor will leave the studio and report from the lively festival site. !

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Vivinavi - Notification from Municipality

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